We Are Confident In Our Financial Stability

Since early March, the banking industry has seen a number of banks fail, resulting in customer confusion and anxiety. At this time, the industry seems to have stabilized, and we applaud the Federal Reserve’s actions to assist in that regard. The bank’s that failed had business models and risk management practices that created specific weaknesses in the current economic conditions. The vast majority of banks operating in the United States are financially strong and well-managed institutions like Woodforest National Bank. Woodforest’s Board and Executive Leadership want you to know that safety, soundness, and prudent risk management remain our top priorities. We also want to share a few additional facts about Woodforest that set us apart:

Woodforest has been a trusted community bank to our customers for over forty years. During that time, we have weathered many economic downturns. Our priority is to protect our customers through a conservative and balanced approach:

  • We seek diversification in our lending and deposit activities through a customer relationship focus.
  • We maintain strong capital levels in excess of regulatory requirements.
  • We manage a strong balance sheet with ample liquidity.
  • We have over 1.5 million customers and the majority of our accounts are household operating accounts, which are fully FDIC insured, lending significant stability to our balance sheet.
  • As a community bank, we are FDIC-insured and deposit accounts are insured up to the $250,000 FDIC limit based on account ownership. For more information on the FDIC insurance limits and the calculation method used for various account types, visit https://edie.fdic.gov.
  • For customers with deposits in excess of $250,000, we offer deposit placement services through IntraFi® to provide FDIC insurance for all your funds. By utilizing these services, your deposits can be 100% FDIC insured.
    • With IntraFi® services, deposits are placed at IntraFi® network banks in amounts that, at any one bank, do not exceed the FDIC’s standard maximum deposit insurance amount of $250,000. As a result, these deposits are eligible for FDIC insurance. In the FDIC’s nine decades of operation, no one has ever lost a penny of an FDIC-insured deposit.
    • For more information on Woodforest’s deposit placement services, contact us at cmbcmsales@woodforest.com.
  • Woodforest National Bank guards your deposits and investments with the utmost care. We stand strong, secure, and ready to serve your needs. We are honored that you choose to bank with us, and we are proud to be your community bank.
© 2025 Woodforest National Bank
Member FDIC Equal Opportunity Employer - Equal Housing Lender Equal Housing Lender
Equal Opportunity Employer
Woodforest National Bank

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